Saying Goodbye to Summer (Bucket List Update 4)

Summer is coming to an end, and with it a new school year starts for all the young adolescents like me. I entered into my sophomore year of high school last Monday, and I am happy to report that this school year has started off well. But that’s for a later post.

Today, I want to talk about summer. Earlier in the season, back when I started my blog, I made a post called “My Summer Bucket List”. It was basically an incentive for me to get off my butt and actually do something with my summer. Looking back, I think I did a pretty good job.

Here’s the list, with links to any posts where I wrote about the task.

  1. Wake up by 8 and run at least four miles
  2. Write a movie review (Read the post here)
  3. Finish my LEGO minibus (Read the post here)
  4. Finish reading Game of Thrones
  5. Reorganize my closet and donate all the clothes that don’t fit
  6. Clean my room, and keep it that way! (Read the post here)
  7. Begin my art project, and finish it by the end of summer
  8. Spend an entire day doing things outside
  9. Beta the story my friend sent me
  10. Make a calendar to use for the coming school year
  11. Cook dinner for my family
  12. Bake a pie
  13. Study my French notes
  14. Send postcards to my friends from NYC
  15. Show “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy to my friend who hasn’t seen it
  16. Choose audition songs and monologues for theatre
  17. Spend a day out of the house with my friends
  18. Finish watching Season 2 of Supernatural
  19. Write something. A song, a poem, a story, a play, anything
  20. Make more videos with my friend, then make then edit them into a montage by the end of the summer (Read the post here)
  21. Sign up for voice lessons
  22. Work out for an hour (Read the post here)
  23. Buy scrap-booking supplies
  24. Go to the movie theatre and watch something I wouldn’t normally watch
  25. Strike up a conversation with a complete stranger
  26. Go to the market and buy exotic fruits to try
  27. Visit the library
  28. Go to Starbucks and buy a drink I’ve never had before (read about it here!)
  29. Start a journal, and write an entry at least once a week
  30. Write a message to all my friends who are leaving for college
  31. Take an IQ test (read about it here)
  32. Eat only healthy foods for an entire day
  33. Make a “music video” with some friends
  34. Go to the park
  35. Have a “photo shoot” with a friend
  36. Call someone instead of texting them

Out of 36 tasks, I completed 15 of them. Though that’s not even half of what I set out to accomplish, I feel proud. Why? Because when I look back on these things that I did, I’m reminded of how great my summer really was. These tasks gave me the opportunity to cultivate a new friendship, spend time with the friends I already have, learn more about myself, expand my creativity, and more. But above all, they helped me realize that completing the simplest little thing, like “go to Starbucks and buy a drink I’ve never had before”, can make me feel accomplished.

I don’t know about you, but feeling accomplished is one of the best feelings you can have. So, in order to keep this feeling of accomplishment, I’ve decided to make another bucket list! This time it’s going to be for the entire school year, so I’ll have plenty of time to do the tasks.

Hopefully this next bucket list will be even more successful than my summer one. And if not, at least I’ll have fun trying!

Do you have a bucket list? If you decide to write one, or if you have one already, I would love to hear about it! Comment below with your thoughts or anecdotes!

xoxo Kat

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